About Us
Sohodojo Business Services
Sohodojo Business Services focuses on small business supply chain systems and alternative markets. We help you model your business, develop your business plan, and network your business into relevant supply chains of other small businesses. We then design and develop a full service, open source internet-based business platform that connects your business into the supply chain, and links your front office sales and marketing with your back office business and accounting systems. We provide on-line and/or on-site training to help you and your team use your system and are on call to make sure you are successful over the long run.
Jim Salmons, Partner and All Things Tech

Sohodojo Jim is both a business strategist and a life-long techno-geek. He has an uncanny ability to find creative solutions to challenging, "unsolvable" technical problems and to bring together the right mix of collaborative partners to undertake innovative projects. Jim is our business strategist and technical wizard. We call him the "MacGyver" of Sohodojo's Open Source platforms! He is an expert in computer and software technologies, who never believes "it can't be done."....more
Timlynn Babitsky, Partner and All Things Operational

Sohodojo Timlynn is a gifted educator, mentor, organizer and manager. Described by colleagues as a "natural teacher" and a "wizard with words," Timlynn is a well-published writer and skilled public speaker. At Sohodojo Timlynn is our "Organizer-in-Chief." She keeps every plan on time, everyone on track, and every project moving smoothly. All questions and any problems are welcome at her door. She loves the challenge of finding order in chaos and wearing many hats all at the same time. ....more